Path Tools
Sphere Utilities
> CycoreFX HD (AE Bundle Only)
CycoreFX (AE Bundle Only)
Path Tools
Sphere Utilities
> CycoreFX HD (AE Bundle Only)
CycoreFX (AE Bundle Only)
Compatible with

• CycoreFX HD Manual 1.8.9 New
This manual is for the Cycore FX HD version bundled with After Effects CC 2024 (24.1) or later.
Download: Mac/Win (439KB)
• CycoreFX HD Manual 1.8.1
This manual is for the Cycore FX HD version bundled with After Effects CC 2015 (13.7) or later.
Download: Mac/Win (439KB)
• CycoreFX HD Manual 1.7.1
This manual is for all Cycore FX HD versions bundled with After Effects versions prior to CC 2015 (13.7) and previously purchased versions of CycoreFX HD.
Download: Mac/Win (412KB)
• CycoreFX HD Basic Project (CC 2015 (13.7) or later)
This project should give a "basic" introduction to all filters and their key features, except for Particle World (PW is covered in it's own project), and is a good companion to the CycoreFX HD Manual. The Particle World project can also be used as a more in depth guide for all particle system since they have a lot of controls in common. This project covers the two new filter HexTile and Vignette and also shows how to use Particle Systems II to replace the PS Classic filters, we've recreated the animations that was done using the standard CycoreFX version.
Download: Mac/Win (6.6MB)
• CycoreFX HD Basic Project
This project should give a "basic" introduction to all filters and their key features, except for Particle World (PW is covered in it's own project), and is a good companion to the CycoreFX HD Manual. The Particle World project can also be used as a more in depth guide for all particle system since they have a lot of controls in common. This project covers all new filters and shows how to use Particle Systems II to replace the PS Classic filters, we've recreated the animations that was done using the standard CycoreFX version.
Download: Mac/Win (6.5MB)
• Particle World HD Demo
This project tries to cover as many features/options as possible in the HD version of Particle World, including the new controls. ReadMe is included.Download: Mac/Win (3.6MB)
• PW HD Butterfly Particles
These two project shows how animated "sprites" can be used as particle textures in Particle World. In this case we've created a swarm of butterflies that casts shadows. The Texture Time control allows for animated textures on particles to be offset in time, which in this case makes the butterflies appear to "fly" more individually. ReadMe is included.Download: Mac/Win (598KB)
• PW HD Layers as Particle
With the HD version of Particle World it's very easy to use other layers as particle textures. This project shows some basic samples of that and it also covers a couple of thumb rules about textured particles. ReadMe is included.Download: Mac/Win (680KB)
• Time Blend FX Fun
This project shows how to use two Time Blend FX filters to repeat other effects parameters in a loop. The result is a "hairy" drive experience. ReadMe is included.
Download: Mac/Win (10.8MB)
• Link AE3D to PW3D
This project shows how to link After Effects 3D coordinates to Particle World 3D coordinates using expressions. ReadMe is included.
Download: Mac/Win (30KB)
• CC Time Blend Plug-ins FFX - CC 2015 (13.7) or later
These Animation Presets makes it possible to apply and use the obsolete versions of Time Blend and Time Blend FX in After Effects CC 2015, without
having to open old projects that uses the plug-ins. The obsolete versions are 16 bpc in the CycoreFX HD package.Download: Mac/Win (4KB)
• CC Classic Particle Systems FFX
These Animation Presets makes it possible to apply and use the obsolete versions of PS Classic and PS Classic LE in After Effects CS4 or later, without
having to open old projects that uses the plug-ins. The obsolete versions are 16 bpc in the CycoreFX HD package.Download: Mac/Win (4KB)